Without words

This is for everyone who had to say goodbye to your pet and it broke your heart.  Today her suffering ended, but this is a huge loss for our family.  

She was a gift.

Our dog has been a gift of unconditional love from the first day she joined our family.  She stares into our eyes and gives us her undivided attention EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Wherever we are is where she wants to be and she’s happy just to be with us.  When she wants affection, she comes close and tips her head way back, hoping we will pet her.  She follows orders to please us.   She smiles at us and loves to nuzzle, face to face.  She barks protectively when strangers enter our property.  And when we return home from being gone, she dances and prances and runs circles of joy, leaping and jumping in the air to celebrate our arrival. Her greetings were the best!!!

Her love never needed spoken words.  Her actions said it all. 

I can’t help but think that if dogs are this wonderful, how awesome is the One who made them?

Here are a few verses I found relevant:

All things were created through Him and for Him. 

God created every living creature and saw that it was good. 

Since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made…  

Thank you, God, for the way dogs can show us your tender heart and your power.  I believe that you made golden retrievers as one way to express your unconditional love for us. We always have your undivided attention and our relationship with you is your delight, but never forced. You watch out for us and never leave us. You miss us when we’re away and dance with joy when we come home, even if we have ignored you. You hurt when we hurt.

Please take a moment to remember how loved you are by looking into the eyes of our sweet Carly today.

Sarah Barnes